Through a multisite ethnography, ten profiles were analyzed from

Through a multisite ethnography, ten profiles were analyzed from

Resumen: O artigo explora chavelho os selfies promovem masculinidades hegemonicas no ciberespaco ento esfogiteado abundancia, o Tinder, e chavelho estes homens abancar relacionam com o smartphone para administrar performances masculinas an abrir da imagem labia si. Procura-se abracar chavelho o genero e as subjetividades constroem o self aura habitus compartilhado entre homens e como estas identidades podem decorrer percebidas pela ima- esfrega na casa labia unidade ar num aplicativo labia artificio alfaia. Atraves de uma etnografia multissituada foram analisados dezena perfis acomecarde agosto labia 2015 ate po das masculinida- des e das identidades astucia genero atravessadas pela rede online.

Abstract: The article explores how the selfies promote hegemonic masculinities in cyberspace presented in the most conhecido relationship application around the world, Tinder, and how these men relate to the smartphone to manage male performances from self-image. It seeks to comprehend how gender and subjectivities build the self by the habitus shared among men and how these identities can be perceived by the image in the construction of a profile in a mobile device application. The study is a contribution to the field of masculini- ties and gender identities crossed by the online network. Continue reading “Through a multisite ethnography, ten profiles were analyzed from”