Alarm standards towards ANI controller electronic screen during the PSAP should be reported by PSAP’s

Alarm standards towards ANI controller electronic screen during the PSAP should be reported by PSAP’s

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Note: In the event your SSC/Mac gets calls out-of numerous PSAP’s, that are getting No ALI, there is a problem with the newest Node otherwise Node to Machine circuits or perhaps the Server computers by itself. Ahead of it comes the situation this new SSC/Mac would be to telephone call the MMOC in order to query when your Node otherwise Host is in issues.

These types of sensors often means some trouble requirements and so the SSC/Mac should inquire brand new PSAP if any portion of the E911 experience perhaps not working properly.

New SSC/Mac is verify to the PSAP attendant your equipment’s number 1 mode was answering E911 phone calls. Continue reading “Alarm standards towards ANI controller electronic screen during the PSAP should be reported by PSAP’s”

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