About Us
Ozitech has been building telecommunication infrastructure and networks since 2016
Building and maintaining Telecommunication Infrastructure since 2016

Who we are?
Telecommunication and Infrastructure company with an aim to improve the telecommunication services using innovative ideas to build a resilient, economical and sustainable infrastructure

What we Do ?
Ozitech has been building telecommunication infrastructure and networks since 2016 and we have expertise in many different areas and provide end to end solutions.

Why Us ?
We offer a broad range services in building and maintaining Telecommunication Infrastructure. That includes;
Ozitech has been providing services in telecommuncation sector since 2016.
We are experts in providing end to end communication infrastructure solutions. Currently rolling out FTTP, FTTN, FTTC and HFC NBN network as construction
partners to all NBN Delivery partners
Over the past 6 years , Ozitech has been actively involved in delivering
*Telstra – I & M under Servicestream & ISGM
*NBN – Currently projects underway with Downer, Lend Lease ,Broadspectrum & Ventia