Amos, labeled as Gus, left school after 8th level, and you may worked on mines

Amos, labeled as Gus, left school after 8th level, and you may worked on mines

Gus enlisted, went to first studies from the Fort Leonard Timber, then infantry knowledge on Fort Dix. An adverse knee kept Gus away from their need airborne section.

Gus decided to go to England, France, and you will Germany. In Newberry, England, on the 801st Engineer Aviation Battalion, Gus participated in rebuilding brand new airbase.

While in The united kingdomt, Gus satisfied their future wife, Sandra

Gus called for Armed forces recognition in order to wed, and you may approvals have been unusual. Continue reading “Amos, labeled as Gus, left school after 8th level, and you may worked on mines”