S. troops with the state’s endurance towards homosexuality and you may Lgbt some one

S. troops with the state’s endurance towards homosexuality and you may Lgbt some one


Probably the most Disliked Friends in the us has video footage from people in the latest Westboro Baptist Chapel picketing during the funerals off Us troops. This new organization people keep signs blaming deaths from U. Westboro Baptist Chapel users believe that these fatalities are caused by Goodness since the retribution towards immorality of your own U.S., claiming the fresh troops have been “strike down because of the Goodness getting fighting having a depraved nation”.

They sit-in the newest funeral service out of a great soldier Kevin Zeigler exactly who died during the ages of 31 when you find yourself trying to disable a bomb inside the Iraq. Dealing with improvised explosive gadgets, Westboro Baptist Chapel keep cues understanding, “Thank God getting IEDs”. Protest cues sent of the members of this new organization on funeral service, plus half a dozen-year-old children, state: “Thank God Getting Dry Soldiers”, “Never Praise Brand new Lifeless” and “Fag Marines”. Continue reading “S. troops with the state’s endurance towards homosexuality and you may Lgbt some one”